OST LI Training 2024-25
Venue: MLK Jr. School/Putnam Ave Upper School Theater clear filter
Tuesday, February 4

10:00am EST

COUNTED OUT Documentary Screening
Tuesday February 4, 2025 10:00am - 1:00pm EST
Cambridge STEAM Initiative’s in-person screening & discussion of
Counted Out
a film by Vicki Abeles, featuring Dr. Bob Moses
Math is power.
Math is everywhere. 
The news we see, the impact of our votes, the candidates who win elections, the education we have access to, the jobs we get, the people we date.
Underneath all of this is a hidden layer of math that few of us see or understand.
What would be possible if we all understood how math shapes our society?
OST is a critical and powerful space where young people develop an understanding of their identity. We have the ability to shift the culture around who can “do” math to a culture where everyone feels confident in math and has the power to understand, engage with and create change in the world. Check out other OST Learning Institute offerings here.

avatar for Barb MacEachern

Barb MacEachern

Quality Manager, Cambridge STEAM Initiative
Barb has been with the Cambridge STEAM Initiative since 2018. Her role is to focus on quality and connections. Within that, she loves to amplify what is happening with and for young people across the city. Previous to this role, Barb was the AFCOST Community Coordinator and a Quality... Read More →
avatar for Sharlene Yang

Sharlene Yang

Director, Cambridge STEAM Initiative
Sharlene Yang is the Director of Cambridge STEAM Initiative, a joint initiative of City of Cambridge's Department of Human Service Programs and Cambridge Public Schools. When she isn't STEAM-ing everything up, she likes to host waffle brunches, dumpling parties, and crafting night... Read More →
Tuesday February 4, 2025 10:00am - 1:00pm EST
MLK Jr. School/Putnam Ave Upper School Theater

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