OST LI Training 2024-25
Friday March 21, 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm EDT
When you think about being outdoors, what comes to mind? Does it stir up feelings of wellness, excitement and adventure for you and those in your programs or does it feel like a place that is not for you or your young people?  In this workshop, we will explore what it means to be connected and have access to the outdoors, its effects on our well-being, our rights to clean and safe spaces, and when the outdoors feels like a place for others.  Join us as we explore the “why” of environmental education and the role environmental justice plays in our lives on a local level.

Jeneen Mucci

Cambridge Youth Programs
avatar for Barb MacEachern

Barb MacEachern

Quality Manager, Cambridge STEAM Initiative
Barb has been with the Cambridge STEAM Initiative since 2018. Her role is to focus on quality and connections. Within that, she loves to amplify what is happening with and for young people across the city. Previous to this role, Barb was the AFCOST Community Coordinator and a Quality... Read More →
Friday March 21, 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Moore Youth Center 12 Gilmore St, Cambridge, MA 02139

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