OST LI Training 2024-25
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Friday, December 20

9:00am EST

Gender Identity and Gender Dynamics Recorded
Friday December 20, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
n this recorded workshop, facilitate by Minh Nguyen, participants explore how the
concepts and expressions of gender are quickly expanding for our youth. And the impact of the pandemic on our youth in needing to learn and socialize virtually has led to less gender freedom for them.

Through a deep dive into our own gender identity development, this 2 part video training covers language & definitions for LGBTQ+ terms, and approaches & strategies for creating gender inclusive environments in youth programs and beyond. This training focuses mainly on gender identity formation for youth in grades 4 - 12.

This workshop will expand on the question: "What does gender have to do with it?", and provide space for participants to talk about and answer "What is gender and why does it organize so much of our lives?"

Register here to request a link to the Gender Dynamics & Gender Identity Training videos.   After watching the video you will be required to complete the Gender Dynamics quiz to receive credit for this training.
Friday December 20, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EST

9:00am EST

Intro Recorded Cultural Proficiency: A Way of Being
Friday December 20, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
Cultural Proficiency: A Way of Being  allows individuals and organizations to interact effectively with people. It is a developmental approach for addressing the issues and opportunities that emerge in diverse environments. Our life journeys have been shaped by race and culture and often influence the way we interface with others.

In this recorded, 3-part workshop, Cultural Proficiency: A Way of Being, facilitated by Minh Nguyen, Telesha Mervin, and Susan Richards, individuals and organizations will explore how to effectively interact with people, regardless of their culture or identity.
​This workshop provides participants with insights and tools to support increased cultural proficiency in their roles working with youth, families, and colleagues. ​​

Register here to request a link to the Cultural Proficiency Training videos.   After watching the video you will be required to complete the Cultural Proficiency quiz to receive credit for this training.
Friday December 20, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EST

9:00am EST

Intro Recorded Keeping it Real in Family Partnership
Friday December 20, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
Keeping it Real in Family Partnership is a storytelling project that hopes to inspire conversations about how Cambridge out-of-school time practitioners and families from diverse cultural backgrounds partner to best support our children. Stories highlight promising practices and explore the experiences of families and OST practitioners. Each story is paired with a set of guiding questions to help you go deeper in reflecting on how families and OST practitioners can create more meaningful partnerships.  To support you in using these digital videos with your staff, we added an addendum to our UPDATED Facilitator's Guide.  If you would like to request credit for watching and reflecting on the essential messages from these videos on your professional development, you can click here to complete a reflection assignment and submit a request.  
Friday December 20, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EST

9:00am EST

Intro Recorded Positive Behavior Support
Friday December 20, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
In this recorded workshop, facilitated by Dee Spinkston, participants will understand positive behavior support (PBS) as a continuum of support for all students. We will identify and explore successful interventions for individuals and groups of young people. Participants will explore and develop understanding of the continuum of interventions to promote youth self-regulation and social competency.  Register here to request a link to the Positive Behavior Support Training video.   After watching the video you will be required to complete the Positive Behavior Support quiz to receive credit for this training.
Friday December 20, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EST

9:00am EST

Intro Recorded Youth Development K-5
Friday December 20, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
In this recorded workshop, facilitated by Melinda Barbosa, participants will receive an overview of aspects of youth development that most impact Out-of-School-Time. In addition, workshop participants will discuss and explore the following questions: 
  • What are the development challenges from Kindergarten to 5th Grade?
  • How can programs be sure they are supporting increased competency development in the youth they serve?
  • How can programs determine if you are struggling to meet developmental milestones? 
Register here to request a link to the Youth Development K-5 Training video.   After watching the video you will be required to complete the K-5 Youth Development quiz to receive credit for this training.

Friday December 20, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EST

9:00am EST

Intro Recorded Youth Development Middle Years
Friday December 20, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
In this recorded workshop, facilitated by Melina O'Grady, we will explore aspects of youth development that most impact our Out-of-School Time field.  The video will review and assist the viewer to develop an understanding of:
  • What are the developmental challenges for pre-adolescents?
  • How can programs be sure they are supporting increased competency?
  • How can programs determine if youth are struggling to meet developmental milestones, and what can programs do to increase youth competency and foster success?
Register here to request a link to the Youth Development:  Middle Years Training video.   After watching the video you will be required  to complete the  Youth Development:  Middle Years quiz to receive credit for this training.
Friday December 20, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EST

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